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What challenges today’s organizations and people are facing in performance improvement? Performance in terms of business growth and also in terms of individual skill improvement.?

The story of 51K Growth Hub has began with this question. We were keen not only to find answers to this question but also how can we assist organizations & people of today in their quest of continuous performance improvement. What difference 51K Growth Hub can make in lives of people and organizations. 

“If this was Easy, Anybody Would Have Done It”

This has led to conceptualizing the portfolio of 51K Growth Hub in such a way, which not only assist our clients to improve on skills but then continuous skill improvement becomes their lifelong mission with unmatched passion.

"In The Joy of Others, Lies Our Own"

His Divine Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj

How 51K Growth Hub is Different?

The above sentence was a life philosophy of one of the greatest saints His Divine Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj. And, we at 51K Growth Hub also strongly believe that "In The Joy of Our Clients, Lies Our Own". Therefore, Today 51K Growth Hub is a Highly Rated training and development company. It is also featuring on Google as World’s Top 1000 daily landing pages.

Our philosophy has always been putting the customers’ needs at the forefront. We empower our clients to reach their goals, their success is our success.


At 51K Growth Hub, we talk only ‘results’, hence, our training and coaching programs are 100% ‘practical’. Thanks to our 22+ years of hard-core working experience in industry which has empowered us with knowledge of actual working situations, which helped us to design and deliver training solutions that solves our client toughest problems on manpower development. Our training empowers professionals to change Behaviours, develop new Attitudes, and improve Techniques.

The three core pillars of our mission are;

  1. Preparing for World-Class Performance

  2. Unleash Your Actual Potential &

  3. Transform Your Results

1. Preparing for World Class Performance

Why we adopted these theme – “Become World Class in Business”?

World Class Performance never happens by Chance. Almost top 2% of performance in any discipline mirrors world class performance; be it an individual, a writer, athlete, singer, actor, entrepreneur, businessman, charitable organization, leaders etc. So to be better than 98% of your competitors, you need to be really different, and that difference starts with ‘gearing up our people’ for delivering world class quality, which calls for change in their mind-set and behaviour. And, such change in behaviour comes only by associating with a versatile training and development company, which only shares proven practical concepts that empowers you by filling skill gaps.

2. Unleash Your Actual Potential

We can help unleash potential of your employees through;

  • Enhancing soft skill capabilities through our highly customized, result driven and trend setting training that changes behaviour and leads to top performance

  • Designing and executing performance improvement initiatives

  • Designing and improving strategy, structure and process

  • Increasing the effectiveness of overall company administrations.


“ For growth of any company, skill improvement of its employee is extremely essential. The more your staff is skilled and updated, the more you can grow fast. After taking training from 51K Growth Hub, we found great change in performance of our employees. They learned many new skills and this training helped them not only in performance improvement at our company but also in their personal life.”

Hitesh Vadgama, Managing Director, Aksar Food Machine, Manufacturer and Exporter

3. Transform Your Results

  • ​Through world-class training system

Our main focus areas are behaviour change and transformation. Training and coaching are vehicles. To achieve this objective we have prepared robust system that ensures training works. Our portfolio of training programs includes assessments, program customization, reinforcement and coaching to ensure learning happens over time to drive behaviour change.

  • Through research-based and field tested programs

With our 22+ years of actual industry experience, education in premier academic institutions like Indian Institute of Management  - Ahmedabad, Indian Institute of Kashipur and by participating in the “Lead Without Title” certification programs launched by world’s top leadership expert Mr. Robin Sharma, all training programs are built on a robust foundation of what works and what doesn’t in today’s  environment.

  • Through High Impact Customization

We understand that the cultures are different at different organizations. We have a collaborative process to customize training, making it relevant and engaging for greatest impact.

  • Audit and Analysis               -           We review documents and materials to immerse ourselves in your business. We assess sales teams and conduct a training and needs analysis.         

  • Personal Interviews             -           We facilitate interviews with key stakeholders to understand your objectives, customers, markets, solutions, and challenges.

  • Program Development        -           We customize scenarios, examples, case studies, role plays, topics, tools and messaging to making training highly relevant for your team.

  • Integration                             -           We integrate and implement all customizations into workbook, tools and other follow up materials.

Our Vision Drives Our Passion

Leadership Training Companies in India

Our Vision

To provide creative, customized & complete training and coaching solutions (We call it as 51K CCC Solutions) that drastically improves the performance of individuals, teams and organizations, to further help them creating greater value for their customers, themselves and their communities, to the world-class way.

Leadership Training Companies in India

Core Values

  1. ‘Customer’ is at centre of everything we do and whatever we do, should leave our clients ‘Amazed’.

  2. 100% learning attitude. We are not adamant. We accept change faster than anybody else in order to better and fast equipped with expertise ultimately to serve our clients better than ever. Business and markets move fast, so must all of us.

  3. Continuous innovations in designing and delivering world class training programs that helps our clients prepare to fight against adversities with help of cutting edge skill improvement.

  4. Learning is not short term and hence our training programs cannot too. Design training programs that gives our clients lifelong value and knowledge empowerment.

  5. Always remain open, respectful and transparent with our clients and all stakeholders of our company.

  6. Everyone of our team works up to our vision, mission and values, and if we find our team member derailed from our principles, it is our joint responsibility to help them get better.

  7. Always be in mode of curiosity. If we are curious, we will be able to adapt to the changes taking place in world quickly. Always deploy optimum resources to serve our clients further better and strive to accomplish more with less.

Why 51K Growth Hub

Sales Training Companies in  India



Sales Training Companies in  India

Behavior change is our focus. Training is the vehicle. We have a complete learning system, delivered in-person and virtually, with robust reinforcement and execution assurance, so learning happens overtime and drives top performance. We offer our clients an array of innovative training and consulting services to meet ongoing demands in human resource development. In this unpredictable era of high velocity change, organizations must develop their most valuable and only sustainable competitive resource — their people — with developmental programs that not only immediately improve skills and performance, but also create the foundation for practical and continuous application. To do this we follow unique methodology which gives our client an extra edge.

Sales Training Companies in  India


Complete assessment of client training needs, SWOT and areas of prime concern for growth.

Sales Training Companies in  India


Special design and development of the robust training program that exceeds client expectation. 

Sales Training Companies in  India


Delivering of training through various media making it the most important day in life for all..

Sales Training Companies in  India


Post training coaching for deeper insights into individual improvement bottle necks.

Sales Training Companies in  India


Assessment of the entire plan till now in close coordination with the company management.

Sales Training Companies in  India


Awarding of 'Participation Certification' to the qualified participants to boost morale.

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51K Growth Consulting & Training LLP

108, Vithhal Exotica, Behind North Plaza & 4D Mall, Motera, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380005. INDIA.

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